PUN Lease

Search Pun Lease Information

SEARCH BY PUN INQUIRY: Enter the seven-digit PUN and check either the Active or De-active box. If the Active box is selected, the screen will display active leases attached to the PUN. If the De-active box is selected, the screen will display de-active leases attached to the PUN. The screens will also display the royalty rates associated with the Leases.

SEARCH BY LEASE CODE: Enter the Lease Code and the screen will display all Production Unit Numbers associated with the selected Lease Code. The screen will also display the applicable Royalty Rate. If both PUN text box AND Lease Sequence Code text box are filled in, it defaults to PUN search. In order to search by ONLY Lease Sequence code, PUN text box must be blank.

Enter PUN:  
Lease Prefix:    Lease Sequence: